43-45 Star Street, Carlisle WA 6101


Busy Bee

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

It's Busy Bee Time! A tidy-up of our spaces. Bring a broom, gloves and a can-do attitude!  

Star Street Seniors Christmas Party

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Celebrate the Christmas season with Star Street Seniors. This festive themed party will be a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones!

Starry Church – Room at the Inn?

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

You are invited to join us for a Starry Church (based on the Messy Church concept). This is an alternative family-oriented way to celebrate God's love, with craft, songs, story, ... Read more

Christmas BBQ

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Lets celebrate Christmas together as the Star Street community! Please bring your own meat to BBQ, salads will be provided. A great opportunity to socialise as a congregation. Everyone is ... Read more

Star Street Seniors

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Catch up with old friends, meet new people and enjoy a great morning tea. All are welcome.    

Craft Group

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Join us for our monthly Craft Group. BYO your own craft project and share in fellowship with friendly crafty folk.  

Board Games

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

We will be having a board games session on Sunday at 1pm in the Hall. Everyone is welcome to join, bring your own snacks and any games you would like ... Read more