Help us to help others
If you would like to support the Star St congregation, here are some ways you can:
We are always on the lookout for volunteers! Volunteering is a great way to get plugged into our church, and feel like part of a community.
You are welcome to volunteer with our Emergency Food programme, or with one of our other groups such as Star St Seniors and our Craft Group.
Or, you can assist on Sunday morning with data projection, sound system, morning tea etc.

Containers for Change and Recycling
Star Street Uniting Church is committed to caring for the environment and one of the ways of actioning this is by recycling.
Drop off your Containers for Change eligible items any Wednesday or Sunday morning between 9.00am and 12 noon.
You can also take your containers directly to your local refund point and quote scheme ID C10268980 or scan the below barcode:

For more information on this program, please go to All proceeds go to support our Emergency Food Parcels programme.
We also recycle egg cartons, postage stamps, used face masks and blister packs!
Food Donations
Donations of non-perishable food can be dropped off at Star St Church, corner of Star and Archer Streets, Carlisle on any Wednesday, or Sunday morning, between 9.00am and 12 noon.
These will be distributed to families in need in the local community.

Financial Donations
Are you financially strong and have a heart for giving?
If you would like to financially support Star St church, you can deposit your donation in our bank account. Members are encouraged to give regularly to support the work of the congregation.
To obtain bank account details please contact the Star St office by phone (08) 9470 3218, or via email at

Christmas Bowl Appeal
Each year Star St supports the National Council of Churches Christmas Bowl Appeal.
Donations are used to support people in need in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific.
If you would like to donate, please contact the Church office either by email at, or by phone at (08) 9470 3218 or go to the Christmas Bowl website.