43-45 Star Street, Carlisle WA 6101

Groups and Activities

Children and Family Ministry

Star St Church includes several families with young children. We support these families so that the children can be kept safe and grow in Christian faith.  

  • Children’s space and activities are provided every Sunday.
  • Intergenerational worship is held every third Sunday with fun activities which promote interaction between generations.
  • WhatsApp group for parents to share ideas on how to grow faith with their children at home.
  • Regular gatherings for families for mutual support and encouragement.
  • We uphold Safe Church practices to protect children and young people.
Messy Church

Emergency Food Parcels

Star St provides emergency food parcels to individuals and families on low incomes who live in the Town of Victoria Park, the City of Belmont or the Queens Park area of the City of Canning.

We are open every Wednesday morning from 9.00am to 12 noon. No appointment is needed, just drop in. The majority of donations of food come from church members and our fundraising efforts.

Donations are also welcome from local residents and businesses!

Food parcels stock

Star St Seniors

Star St Seniors provides social support to elderly people living in the local community.

Held on the first Tuesday of each month at 10.00am at Star St Church, a great morning tea is provided with fun activities and conversation.

A chance to catch up with old friends and make some new ones!

Christmas Luncheon

Craft Group

  • Are you someone who enjoys craft activities?
  • Want to meet others with similar interests?

Then come to our Craft Group, held on the first Friday of each month at 10.00am at Star St Church.

Bring your own craft project and join in the fun! Share your skills and learn from others!

Craft Group

Board Game Group

  • Looking for an opportunity to play board games with others?
  • Want to learn new games and play old classics?

Then come to our Board Game Group, held on the second Sunday of each month at 1pm at Star St Church.

Bring along a game you would like to play, and snacks to share!

Prayer Ministry

Star St Church prays for those in need and for our local community.

A Prayer Box has been installed on Archer St where you can drop off your prayer requests, or email your prayer request to starstuca@bigpond.com.

Workshops are held regularly to help us learn new ways of praying.

Hospitality Space

Star St Church has established a space on Archer Street for the local community.

This is set in beautiful gardens, with a bench where you can rest and reflect.

There is also a Little Library where you can drop off or pick up books, and the Prayer Box where you can drop off prayer requests.

Garage Sales

Star St holds Garage Sales at the church two times a year, being a great opportunity to pick up lots of bargains!

Good quality second-hand clothes, books, bric a brac, cakes, craft items, sausage sizzle and morning tea.

It is also an opportunity to catch up with your local community!