43-45 Star Street, Carlisle WA 6101


Faith Sharing Session for Families

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Are there younger children in your life whose faith is growing? At Star Street, after an intergenerational worship service at 9.30am, you are invited to a session especially for you led by Ian Pryor and Julie Ridden (who works in the Uniting Church supporting families in faith development). They will share some good resources and ... Read more

The Voice Forum

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

You are invited to join in a forum on The Voice being hosted by Star Street Uniting Church. This forum will touch on items such as: Where did the idea of The Voice come from? How will the Voice be appointed and what will it do? How will the Voice improve the lives of Aboriginal ... Read more

Caring for Creation – Finding a Theological Perspective

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Cathie will present three differing theological starting points from which to approach the need to care for our earth. The first will draw upon the perspectives of indigenous people and their intimate connection to the land. The second emerges from advancements in the scientific world. Finally, the perspective on interiority and spirituality will provide another ... Read more

Referendum Eve Prayer Vigil

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

The Uniting Church in Australia has been holding two weeks of prayer for the National Referendum on the Voice. This will culminate on Friday 13th October with a 6 hour prayer vigil on Zoom, featuring congregations from across Australia. Star Street Uniting Church will be one of the congregations featured, between 2pm and 2.30pm. The ... Read more

Trick or Treat Pitstop

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Star Street Uniting Church will open its doors on Tuesday 31 October for Trick or Treaters for toilets and a refreshment break. This is totally free and our way of helping our local community on Halloween. Feel free to drop by!

Celebration of ministry of Rev Ruth Vertigan

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

You are invited to join us for a service to celebrate the ministry and recognise the retirement of Revd Ruth Vertigan. It would be wonderful to have you with us on this special occasion and to farewell Ruth in style as she prepares to return to Albany. We will share in a morning tea after the service.

Joint worship with Tapu Niue faith community

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Star Street Uniting Church is delighted to host the Tapu Niue faith community at our worship space. One of the ways we develop community together is by joint worship services several times a year. March 3rd will be our first shared service for 2024. Worship will begin at 9.30am. We will share in Holy Communion ... Read more

Busy Bee

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

It's Busy Bee Time! A tidy-up of our spaces. Bring a broom, gloves and a can-do attitude!  

Safe Church Refresher

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

A Safe Church Refresher Workshop is taking place on Saturday 25 May from 9.00am to 12.30pm at Star Street Uniting Church, Carlisle. If it has been 3 years since your last Safe Church workshop, all ministers, pastors, church leaders, volunteers, members of congregations and those involved in community services are welcome and urged to attend. Refreshments will be ... Read more

Lunch and Pray

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Bring your own lunch and join us in the Church Hall as we share in fellowship and pray for people, the community and the world. All are welcome.

Star Street Seniors

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Catch up with old friends, meet new people and enjoy a great morning tea. All are welcome.    

Craft Group

Star Street Uniting Church 43-45 Star Street, Carlisle, Western Australia, Australia

Join us for our monthly Craft Group. BYO your own craft project and share in fellowship with friendly crafty folk.