Lenten Bible Study 2025 – Session 4 of 6
March 26 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

You are invited to participate in a Lenten Bible Study which will start on Wednesday March 5 at 7.30 pm and run for six weeks concluding on Wednesday April 9.
This year’s study is entitled The Great Unravelling and explores the way God is at work in our world unravelling many of the ideas we may have had about church and the world around us, and calling us to consider new ways of being church in this new context. The study will be
offered in mixed mode- you can either attend in person at Star St, or via Zoom.
In order to get the most out of the study, participants will be encouraged to do about half an hour’s preparation prior to each session. All members of the church are invited to participate, as we consider what new directions God may be calling Star St to in the future. If you wish to participate you need to register by emailing the church on starstuca@bigpond.com or phoning 9470 3218.
Once registered you will receive either a copy of the study booklet in hard copy or a link to where you can get it online, as well as instructions about preparing for each session.