Star Street Uniting Church celebrated Pentecost Sunday by receiving 15 new members by adult baptism, confirmation and transfer from other churches. The service began with a smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country by a Noongar elder who was joining the congregation. Those people received into membership included people from Noongar, Filipino, Indonesian and Singaporean Chinese cultural backgrounds and came from Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist and Salvation Army, as well as Uniting Church backgrounds. One person received as Confirmed Member lives in Thailand but participates regularly in worship at Star Street via Zoom.
Rev John Atkinson in his sermon reminded the congregation that at Pentecost the barriers between people of different cultures and languages was broken down and they were all united in the Christian Church. The service was filled with joyful singing and afterwards the congregation shared cupcakes decorated by the children of Star Street to celebrate the birthday of the Church. It was a spirit-filled intergenerational and intercultural celebration.